Posted on 5/7/2020

The air conditioner is an important feature of your car and, unsurprisingly, it needs to be properly maintained in order to function optimally. Here are four sure-fire signs that you need to get in touch with a car air conditioner repair expert for assistance. The air conditioner is an important feature of your car and, unsurprisingly, it needs to be properly maintained in order to function optimally. Here are four sure-fire signs that you need to get in touch with a car a/c repair shop for assistance. 1. Inconsistent Cooling If your vehicle has cooling that is not consistent through all vents, then you are probably low on refrigerant. It could also mean that the diminishing refrigerant levels are due to a possible leak. As such, the problem should be checked by your mechanic immediately. 2. No Cold Air Whatsoever If the air conditioning is not emitting any cold air whatsoever, then there is a chance that there is a problem with t ... read more